Client Reviews!

  • “I am a couple of months into working with Tawny and I am hooked. I appreciate how each day is a different type of workout and can challenge any type of fitness level. Having the capability of a live Zoom or recorded session is key to my busy life. The time she devotes to her clients is outstanding! My form has greatly improved thanks to her coaching and reminders throughout the session. She has taken the time to help me see the changes in my body in the first month and celebrates all of her clients. The monthly "extra" challenges are fun and help to push me to find the time to do more. The biggest blessing to me is that my 10-year-old son is joining me. Before the cold hit, we were enjoying our 20-minute walks together and now he takes the initiative to hit the treadmill. I could go on and on, but if you are looking for a way to improve your health, you have found the right lady!”

    -Angel Lindsey

  • “I started Lifestyles 2 a Tee with Tawny in August 2023. While the scale itself has not moved, I am down a total of 9.75 inches!! I cannot recommend this program enough. Tawny is kind and supportive but she also challenges you to step out of your comfort zone. Her monthly challenges are my absolute favorite. They keep me accountable and challenge me while also having me look forward to a chance at prizes at the end of the month! Adds a little competition! Tawny has been there every step of the way. While I haven’t been as consistent as I should or don’t get every point each month, life happens, you can still see so much progress in my photos. I am currently doing the January challenge and am giving it my all. I am now running and would have never done that before! I take walks outside in the winter!!! Who woulda thought! Tawny also gives nutrition tips which is so helpful. She has so much to offer us and I am so grateful.”

    -Brittany Atteberry

  • “Lifestyles 2 A Tee has been a game changer for me. Not only am I physically stronger, I am mentally stronger. This being imperative as a first-time mom going through the beautiful but difficult postpartum changes! Tawny is a light that I look forward to each day. The workouts are continually evolving, keeping each day interesting and challenging.

    I started 6 weeks postpartum. I was nervous because I had never included strength training into my exercise routine. Tawny not only helped me modify the workouts but she encouraged me through the tough days. Tawny is knowledgeable, encouraging, engaging, and a positive change to anyone looking to make a lifestyle change. Her workouts and monthly challenges are attainable for ALL involved in her program. So if you’re on the fence about starting something new, I’m telling you, take the leap with Lifestyles 2 a Tee, and watch yourself transform into the person you always wanted to be!”

    -Katie Dibbern

  • “I have only been doing this program for about 3 weeks, but it has helped hold me accountable every single day. Before this program it was so easy to skip a day because “I was tired” or “I was too busy”, but knowing that I have a workout waiting for me when I wake up, or get off work, helps keep me accountable and makes me show up for myself every day! It was also easy to do a half a** workout somedays when I was tired after work, and now having a full, well-rounded 45 minute workout waiting for me has helped me grow so much. I truly enjoy the setup of this workout program and the encouragement and tips that Tawny gives us. “

    -Brianna Philipsen

  • “When I committed to being a better, healthier version of myself, I wanted to find a workout program that I could be led in, was convenient for my schedule, fun and produced results. Lifestyles 2 a Tee checked all the boxes!! I have been working out with Tawny on and off for a year and have loved every bit of it. She is amazing at keeping workouts challenging, fun and result producing! She also suggests modifications to exercises to meet where you are. I have become stronger physically and mentally! I also love that she adds optional workout challenges for incentives each month to push you out of your comfort zone. Being a Ranch wife, busy Mom of two young boys, rodeo clinician and breakaway roper, this workout has program has fit perfectly into my life. Thank you Tawny for helping to sculpt the healthiest version of me!”

    -Kayla Spickelmier

  • “When I started Lifestyles 2 a Tee, I really didn't know what to expect. Would I be able to keep up? How hard was it? What if I couldn't do it? And yes, there are exercises that I cannot do....yet...but I am gaining and trying! The modifications allow me to keep progressing. My strength and balance have improved as has my stamina. I actually want to get up and get my workout done in the morning because I feel better and more motivated throughout the day! Thankful that I gave it a try...for myself and my health!”

    -Kim Olson

  • “I have been a fan of T Barry but this fitness program just adds the icing on the cake. The program is challenging and never gets old. Tawny is always coming up with new and exciting workouts, so we are always doing something new. She is always quick to respond if I have any questions, and is never afraid to give a little nudge of encouragement. I highly recommend Lifestyles 2 A Tee fitness program to anyone looking for a challenging!”

    -Timber Darnell

  • “Tawny’s workouts have helped get me motivated and rebuild muscle postpartum. Her workouts are challenging and effective, but there is always a modification if I need it. I love that the workouts are online and recorded so that if I can't make the morning workout then I can do them around my work/ baby's schedule. 🙂Thanks! I'm loving them and the challenges!”

    -Abbie Werner

  • “I just started with Lifestyles 2 A Tee and am looking forward to continuing with Tawny! Being not even 4 months postpartum I needed something flexible and something I can do at home on my own time. I love that she makes me feel like I can do anything even though I'm just getting back into working out. I love the workouts and the encouragement! Supporting someone local that I know personally is just an added bonus. I am so glad I signed up and can’t wait to see results in the future!

    -Karissa Odenbach

  • “Tawny has been so encouraging and helpful. She keeps you motivated and is very helpful when it comes to anything. She has a great program for anyone!”

    -Casey Barber

  • “Tawny takes all the guesswork out of making sure you get effective workouts in… you just follow along!”

    -Sammie Walker

  • “Tawny! Just wanted to tell you how much I've been enjoying these workouts! I love the timing to keep your heart rate up and think you do a great job! I'm actually excited to get up and do these and LOVE the 5:45 time!”

    -Logan Cowan

  • “I joined a new workout group “challenge” in November!! I needed a change, I was bored with my same old routine and I was tired of trying to program workouts to do by myself. Truth be told, I was lazy and lax and it was showing!! 30 days with Tawny and my abs are baaaaack!! 😅 I thoroughly enjoyed the workouts and the word “challenge” is something I crave!! If anyone is looking for something new, fun and awesome to try, I recommend you give this a try!! She’s the real deal!! My goal is to get muscles like her!!!”

    -Darcie Stewart

  • “I was able to lose 25 lbs on my own, but I never knew the hard part wasn't losing 25lbs. The hard part was learning how to maintain my weight after losing 25lbs, and keep a healthy lifestyle. I heard through the grapevine that Lifestyles 2 A Tee would be worth checking out. A: Because Tawny herself is a beast, and B: It would fit the lifestyle I live. It was doable, which is what I needed. I just started Lifestyles 2 A Tee December 1st 2023, but I however feel stronger than ever just one month in. All I have to do is grab my dumbbells, bands, and I can workout along the way. Which is huge to me, with living the lifestyle I live. I have not been a part of Lifestyles 2 A Tee for very long, but I am so happy that I am now a part of it entering the new year! I feel at home!”

    -Laramei Bain

  • “I 10-10 recommend Lifestyles 2 A Tee. The workouts are so much fun, and you forget you’re getting your butt kicked. They are the most satisfying 45-minute workouts I’ve ever done. Tawny also adds optional challenges each month that are fun, have great prizes and hold you accountable. I look forward to the quote of the day, nutrition tip of the day or the occasional Tawny recipes! I absolutely love this program and see progress within weeks!”

    -Vanzi Knippling

  • “Lifestyle 2 a Tee has been a positive part of my fitness journey. I look forward to my daily routine that Tawny has created to be do-able for everyone. She doesn’t just focus on the workouts. She incorporates a lifestyle change with positive affirmations, nutrition tips and recipes and daily outdoor walks and gratitude. Before I started this program, I was consistent in the gym. I just needed a change with more guidance on a routine for working specific body groups! Tawny has taken typical exercises (lunges, push ups, jumping jacks, etc) and has incorporated the whole body into many of the daily workouts. I have seen a change in my entire body. Strength and definition in many places. Endurance in my cardio. In just a short 2 months of consistency with the whole program. I love a good challenge and Tawny encourages us to participate each month in a point system! My favorite transformation so far has been my mental health and getting out of my comfort zone with running outside. Thank you Lifestyle 2 a Tee for creating such an awesome lifestyle change. This Momma to 3 is dedicated to your program and I look forward to the year ahead. “

    -Brooke Whiting

  • “First off, I need to say THANK YOU!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. When I first started with you in April, I had hurt my back and could not get any chiropractic adjustments to hold. Within two weeks of doing your work outs my adjustments were holding and I was getting my mobility back. Fast forward to now I’ve got my strength back after being pregnant. I can play with my daughter until she tires out. I can put her on my shoulders pack her through the snow or run up and down the driveway while pulling her in her sled.

    She is a big one for my big “whys”. I do not want to miss activities with her because I haven’t taken care of myself. Anytime she sees you on the computer or my weights she goes "Mama working! Tawny!" then goes to find her tennis shoes so she can wear them too. 💜

    I miss workouts and sometimes only have time for part of them. But you never make me feel guilty when those days happen. I look forward to getting back to the grind because of your positive outlook and encouragement, because you understand life happens. Thank you for being you and kicking my butt daily!

    -Becca Kartak

  • “It has been a little over six months since I joined Lifestyles 2 A T and I have nothing but great things to say! This program has been everything I needed from physical to mental. Over the six months of putting in hard work and dedication to this program, I have seen huge transformations. The workouts are made for anyone and everyone which is awesome. Something I love most of all it is how motivating this program is. I find myself excited to get up and get my workouts in, which has been a huge struggle for me in the past. Tawny is so personable and will take the time to truly help you with your nutrition, the workouts, or just simply needing someone to listen and give you the motivation you need to keep going. She’s easy to reach out to you and always sure to share her knowledge of what you need to hear or know. Join this program and show up each day: being the best that you can be, and that is when you will reach your goals!”

    -Kaylee Clark

  • “Lifestyles 2 A Tee has helped me in many ways, more than I expected. I thought I was in good shape since I have always been active in my day-to-day routine. I enjoy supporting my niece and signed up thinking “I will get in a little bit or shape” and show her my support. I am over 60 years old and didn’t realize how lifting weights would benefit me. In 12 months, I have become A LOT stronger. I have gone from 3-5pound weights to 20 pounds. My balance has improved greatly as well. Tawny explains how to alter each exercise to fit your level. Sometimes I modify her modifications too and that’s okay! She is encouraging and ready to go every morning at 5:45 AM and even if you’re not, you can work out with her recording at your convenience. I want to add that I taught 40 years in nutrition and wellness and even with the knowledge I have, Tawny is always giving useful information with her daily quotes and nutrition tips. Her healthy recipes help you realize you can alter your favorite dishes to a healthier version. Finally, it is easy to learn and follow someone who has the passion and positive energy Tawny has. Through her workouts you will witness her love for positive, physical, mental, and emotional health. You will understand how to better your own lifestyle by personalizing workouts to fit “you.” I am thankful that Tawny has helped me realize how Lifestyles 2 A Tee will make a difference in your day-to-day health!”

    -Tracy Tucker

  • “I want to take a moment to share the incredible impact that Lifestyles 2 a Tee has had on my life as a busy “stay-at-home mom.” Over the past year, this program has become my sanctuary, a source of strength, and a lifeline to my overall well-being.

    As a mom, finding time for myself can be a rare luxury. Juggling between household chores, taking care of the kids, and managing daily responsibilities can be overwhelming. Add in 4 different companies to run and other odd jobs to work, and it seems like it could be impossible. But Lifestyles 2 a Tee changed the game for me. The convenience of working out at home has been a game-changer, allowing me to seamlessly integrate fitness into my daily routine.

    Beyond the physical benefits, what truly sets Lifestyles 2 a Tee apart is its recognition of the holistic nature of well-being. The program not only caters to my physical health but also places a strong emphasis on mental, emotional, and nutritional wellness. The workouts are not just exercises; they are moments of self-care and empowerment.

    Having this dedicated time for myself has been transformative. It's more than just a workout; it's my escape, my therapy, and my recharge. I find solace in the routines, knowing that each session is an investment in my own health and happiness. The positive impact has rippled into other aspects of my life, making me a more present and fulfilled mom.

    The variety of workouts keeps things interesting, and the supportive community associated with [Lifestyles 2 a Tee is an added bonus. Connecting with other moms who share similar experiences has been motivating and uplifting. We celebrate each other's victories and provide a virtual support system that transcends the boundaries of our homes.

    In a world that often glorifies busy schedules, Lifestyles 2 a Tee has taught me the importance of self-love and self-care. It's not just about fitting into a certain dress size; it's about feeling strong, confident, and embracing my own journey. The program has given me the tools to prioritize my health without sacrificing precious time with my family.

    I am immensely grateful for the positive changes Lifestyles 2 a Tee has brought into my life. It's not just a fitness routine; it's a lifestyle that has made me a healthier, happier, and more balanced individual. To anyone out there considering joining, it has been one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself and my family.

    Here's to strength, resilience, and the beautiful journey of self-discovery with Lifestyles 2 a Tee.”

    -Tania DeMers